God Uses Evangelism to Reach the World Vol. 2

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A vital message for the modern Christian world!

Christ comes to live in our hearts.

But he doesn’t stay there, not if we do as the scriptures instruct. He reaches out through our words, our actions, and our generosity to those around us.

In “A World of Apostles,” we learn that we have a job, and it’s to represent Christ in everything we do.

“Best Under Pressure” reminds us that our walk with the Savior isn’t always easy.

“God’s Offensive Line” says we must risk everything for our Lord.

“Misers Beware” notifies us that our Christian ministry involves our pocketbook just as much as our words of encouragement.

“The Wall of Honor” is our stark eye-opener that the world sees us as we are, not as we pretend to be.

An additional 20 essays will encourage you and motivate you to step out for Christ and share him with everyone you meet.

We are evangelists, whether we wear that label officially or not. When we allow the love of Christ to flow from us unto a needy world, we spread the gospel one person at a time.

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The Revelation of Jesus Christ

The Revelation of Jesus Christ Front v1

Paradise Gospel Press brings the Word of God to life!

For many, Revelation is a closed book. This study will open it up for you.

In the book of Revelation, the warning is given. What we do with it is up to us.

Preachers don’t preach it, and teachers don’t teach it. The principle rule in this book is that “scripture must interpret scripture.” The book of Revelation was written to the saints so that we will have some idea what the future holds, just before, during and after the tribulation period. Some people believe that after the tribulation the world will end, but that’s not so. This world will continue for over a thousand years before the end. It’s simply that people don’t understand what they read, or what they’ve been told.

In 2 Timothy 2:15, we read the following: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” So, to be doing God’s will and work, we must study. I can truly agree with part of Richard Chichester’s prayer to enable men and women “. . . to know Jesus Christ more clearly, to love him more dearly, and to follow him more nearly.” 

Every Christian needs a copy of this book to do just that.

-Rev. David D. Wilson

David Wilson has been a Spirit-filled minister in the Pentecostal movement for over 45 years. He is currently sitting on the General Board of Directors of the International Full Gospel Evangelistic Association, Inc. with headquarters in Temple, Oklahoma, and is the Senior Presbyter of the North Texas District of the I.F.G.E.A. He lives on 40 acres just outside Paradise, Texas.

Preview the first chapter from this outstanding teaching here: The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Chapter 1

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