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The most helpful series to come along in decades!

Power Confessions: Volume One

The first of three books in this series, one that will revolutionize your walk with Christ.

In Volume One, Mr. Dunn presents three dynamic areas vital to bringing strength into your Christian life.

Hope and Healing in Christ

Trouble will follow us. We don't have to face it alone. We have a hope and a healing in a God who loves us and stays with us. You will read over 40 hope and healing Power Confessions that come directly from the Word of God.

Salvation in Him

The cross is our symbol of Christ's sacrifice.  He died for us, and His blood washes us clean. You will uncover six weeks of Power Confessions that will empower your daily walk with Christ.

Finding Faith in Jesus

Faith is the substance of things unseen. It grows strong when we exercise it. These Power Confessions will let your faith grow, and you will become a powerlifter in your walk with Christ.

You will find four months of daily Power Confessions between the covers of this book. They will change your life.


Look for Power Confessions, Volumes One, Two, and Three on this website and on Amazon!

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