Open Doors

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Inspiration for Today's Church from the Desk of Tim Barker

Open Doors

Inside or Outside

That's what a door conveys. We can choose to stand on one side or the other. We can keep things inside or outside, open the door or close it.

Not all doors are in walls. Opportunities. Worship. Faithfulness.

Then there are emotional doors. We can be locked in or out. The doors become prison bars, trapping us in painful situations.

Death is the final door in this life. Do you dread it or look forward to what's on the other side? 

This book is your opportunity to discover how the doors in your life align with the Word of God. The choice is yours. Inside or outside?

Decide for Jesus today. He is the only choice worth making. 

Christ is calling. I want to answer. 

Join me today, won’t you? 

A Message from the Desk of Tim Barker: 

As the Network Pastor/Superintendent for the South Texas Ministry Network, revealing the truths in the Gospel is my goal.

Seeing the doors that God has for us to walk through is vital to leading a successful life in Him. He offers us hope (and sometimes escape) in our suffering, and in Him, we can draw strength for the journey.

Join me in trusting Jesus. Your journey to eternity with God can begin now. Open the door to Jesus and invite Him in.

Tim R. Barker, D. Min.

About Tim: 

Reverend Tim R. Barker is the Network Pastor/Superintendent of the South Texas Ministry Network, which is headquartered in Houston, Texas.

He is a graduate of Southwestern Assemblies of God University, with a Bachelor of Science degree in General Ministries/Biblical Studies, with a minor in music. He also received a Master of Arts in Practical Theology from SAGU and received his Doctorate of Ministry Degree from West Coast Seminary.

Reverend Barker was ordained by the Assemblies of God in 1989. He began his ministry in the South Texas District in 1984 as youth & music minister and continued his ministry as Pastor, Executive Presbyter (2006 – 2009) and Executive Secretary-Treasurer (2009 – 2011) in the South Texas District, where he served until his election as the South Texas District Superintendent in 2011.

By virtue of his district office, Reverend Barker is a member of the District’s Executive Presbytery and the General Presbytery of the General Council of the Assemblies of God, Springfield, Missouri. He is a member of the Executive Board of Regents for Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, Texas, and SAGU-American Indian College, Phoenix, Arizona. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Pleasant Hills Children’s Home, Fairfield, Texas, as well as numerous other boards and committees.

Reverend Barker and his wife, Jill, married in 1983, have been blessed with two daughters. Jordin and her husband, Stancle Williams, who serves as the South Texas District Youth Director. Abrielle and her husband, Nolan McLaughlin, are church planters of Motion Church in San Antonio. The Barkers have four grandchildren, Braylen, Emory and Landon Williams and Kingston McLaughlin.

His unique style of pulpit ministry and musical background challenges the body of Christ, with an appeal that reaches the generations.

Available Now from Amazon!  Paperback  $15.00  Kindle version  $4.99 

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The Authentic Christian

The Authentic Christian cover for web posting

Inspiration for Today's Church from the Desk of Tim Barker

The Authentic Christian

Revealing Christ through the Fruit of the Spirit

What’s the secret to proving we are who we say we are? 

Is it in appearance? Actions that portray honesty?

How do we live out our Christian example, be what we say we are?

This is a challenge even in the world. We must authenticate our credit card via a text, use a password to access our bank account, and carry a photo ID with us when we enter an airport.

We’re not who we say we are unless we can prove it.

How does the Christian prove that we are who we say we are? What’s our authentication, our password, our photo ID?

That’s what this book is about, how we can live a real and honest Christian life that reflects the truth of Jesus living through us.

Matthew 7:15 says to watch out for false prophets. Then, in the next verse, we’re told that “by their fruit you will recognize them.”

But wait! What fruit? Apples, oranges? No … so much better.

Follow along as I walk you through the fruit of the Spirit: joy, peace, patience, kindness … and along the rewarding paths of goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

There’s a quote by William Shakespeare that says, “If you prick us, do we not bleed?” When the world pricks me, I want to bleed Jesus. I want to be Jesus inside, and when someone cuts me, they get Jesus all over them! Glory! I’m getting excited now!

When you finish this book, you will understand what it means to be an authentic Christian. And I can say from experience, it’s the best thing in this world that someone can say about you!

A Message from the Desk of Tim Barker: 

As the District Superintendent for the South Texas District of the Assemblies of God, I want Jesus to be what people see in me.

Why is this so important? My example, seen through how I live my life, can determine whether people are drawn to Christ or reject Him. How do I know the example I need to set? My guidebook is the biblical illustration of the fruit of the Holy Spirit and the practical process of how to produce those fruits.

Join me in walking with Jesus. Your journey to eternity with God can begin now. Open your heart to Jesus and invite Him in.

Tim R. Barker, D. Min.

About Tim:

Reverend Tim R. Barker is the Superintendent of the South Texas District of the Assemblies of God which is headquartered in Houston, Texas.

He is a graduate of Southwestern Assemblies of God University, with a Bachelor of Science degree in General Ministries/Biblical Studies, with a minor in music. He also received a Master of Arts in Practical Theology from SAGU and received his Doctorate of Ministry Degree from West Coast Seminary.

Reverend Barker was ordained by the Assemblies of God in 1989. He began his ministry in the South Texas District in 1984 as youth & music minister and continued his ministry as Pastor, Executive Presbyter (2006 – 2009) and Executive Secretary-Treasurer (2009 – 2011) in the South Texas District, where he served until his election as the South Texas District Superintendent in 2011.

By virtue of his district office, Reverend Barker is a member of the District’s Executive Presbytery and the General Presbytery of the General Council of the Assemblies of God, Springfield, Missouri. He is a member of the Executive Board of Regents for Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, Texas, and SAGU-American Indian College, Phoenix, Arizona. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Pleasant Hills Children’s Home, Fairfield, Texas, as well as numerous other boards and committees.

Reverend Barker and his wife, Jill, married in 1983, have been blessed with two daughters. Jordin and her husband, Stancle Williams, who serves as the South Texas District Youth Director. Abrielle and her husband, Nolan McLaughlin, are church planters of Motion Church in San Antonio. The Barkers have four grandchildren, Braylen, Emory and Landon Williams and Kingston McLaughlin.

His unique style of pulpit ministry and musical background challenges the body of Christ, with an appeal that reaches the generations.

Available Now from Amazon!  Paperback  $15.00  Kindle version  $4.99 

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