God Desires Worship Cover for Kindle

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A vital message for the modern Christian world!

Worship is designed to move our hearts.

There are days we need that. The discomforts of life weigh us down, and we can’t seem to find our way out of the muck. We carry it with us at work, in our cars, and at home.

Even in the church.

A good worship leader lifts us out of that and lets us focus on God. Worship is more than just singing a hymn or two. It’s releasing the burdens of our work-a-day world and stepping into the praise house of our Father.

We don’t need that just on Sunday morning, either. We need that uplifting every day of the week. How can we get that? By living a life focused on God.

That’s more difficult than it sounds.

This set of 24 essays on finding your worshipful spirit in Christ is a good jumpstart. Read them. Enjoy them. Put the lessons they espouse into practice. You’ll see a difference in your life, and God will see a difference in your love for him.

Order Now from Amazon! Paperback  $12.95 Kindle  $.99

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