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Not the Angels You Thought You Knew.
Heavenly beings, come to Earth dripping with jewels of light to spread peace and cheer across the Earth?
Not exactly, not when the angels are a near-immortal alien race trapped by a broken ship that has been stranded near Earth for thousands of years.
Gadreel, the Deliverer of Destruction, has taken control of the ship by force, hoping to effect repairs at any cost, and he casts Uriel, the Bearer of Destiny, to Earth.
There Uriel is compelled by his Mandate of Destiny and attempts to rescue a woman who has not only become a pawn in the struggle for power, but also exhibits many of the same unusual attributes as the angels who battle over her.
Gabriel, the Citadel of Justice and Power, falls for the ploy that Uriel has broken his Mandate and must be hunted down at all costs. Along with six of the most powerful angels he can find, Gabriel travels to Earth to subdue Uriel and return him to safekeeping and certain imprisonment.
Soon, destruction threatens to spread across the globe. The ensuing conflagration will rain death and destruction on the innocent and guilty alike if Uriel’s supporters cannot find a way to stem the tide of battle.
Uriel’s challenge is closer to home. He must find a way to protect his charge, a woman who will soon be hunted by every angel on Earth.
Read the first four chapters free! Click here! The Destiny Changer Chapters 1-4
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