Women Across South Texas Celebrating Each Other
Our Heart His Mission: Daily Devotions from STX Women: Volume Two
Our Heart His Mission Volume Two is a direct result of the amazing transformative outcome we’ve seen emanate from the original book. Women’s lives have been changed, relationship goals have been refocused, and a new walk with God has set the women of the South Texas District Assemblies of God on fire.
Our original dream for volume one of this book has become more vital than ever as we step back and reassess the needs of the women in the STX District and challenge ourselves to move forward to break the roadblocks the devil sets in our way.
With over 60 heart-touching stories by 30 astounding and godly women, this book is more than just a good read, although it is certainly that. It is an open love letter to the power of Christ and the life-changing healing that can come our way through placing our total trust in Him.
The South Texas women are on a mission for Jesus, and by sharing their hearts, they hope to invite you along so that YOU can also take part in inspiring others to stand on the Word of God as their cornerstone and anchor no matter what comes their way.
God’s grace is amazing, and in 2024, we want to speak a Word of power to all women everywhere and say that what God has done for us, He will do for YOU.
Look for titles such as:
"A Heart Restored"
"Count It All Joy"
"Girl, Read Ya' Bible"
"He Watches Over Us"
"More Than I Can Handle"
"You Are the One He Loves"
Plus over 50 more ... in all, over 60 engaging, inspiring and spiritually uplifting devotions that will invigorate and renew your connection with God.
We all have stories of God's goodness to tell. Be inspired to write your own. Like the devotionals in this book, it may become a blessing to someone who needs to hear your story of God's amazing grace.
About Jill Barker:
Jill Barker is the South Texas Women's Ministries Director. She is married to Tim Barker, Superintendent for the South Texas District of the Assemblies of God. Jill and Tim have devoted their lives to spreading the Gospel and winning souls to Christ. Jill shares that the STX Women are the real authors of this book. However, she is honored to oversee the process of sharing the hearts and experiences of the women in her district in this amazing and heartfelt collection of devotions.