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A Study of the Book of Philippians

Our Privilege of Joy

From Tim about His New Book:

The Theme of the Book of Philippians is Joy.

You could say that Philippians is our blueprint from the Father, our blueprint of joy. It was written by the hand of Paul during his time in a Roman prison, but the voice is the Father's, entreating us to lift our hands in praise to Him, and to find joy even in the difficult parts of our lives.

The Apostle Paul modeled how it's done. All we need to do is read the epistle to the Philippian believers to envision the pattern God wishes us to emulate in our actions.

As my dad would say, "The road to happiness is always under construction."

Sample chapters in this study of Philippians include:

Our Privilege of Joy






I've also included study questions after each chapter and an answer key at the back.

Let God be your builder, and you will discover joy in your time with him. As a favorite song says, you will find rest in his everlasting arms.

Tim Barker, D. Min.

South Texas District Superintendent

Houston, Texas

     May 2020 

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