Spiritual Truths from the Desk of Tim Barker
At Your Feet
From Tim about His New Book:
There's power at the feet of Jesus!
Throughout the Scriptures, significant things happened at the feet of Jesus. They are still relevant to our lives today. I know. I've been there. I've sought the Lord at His feet for comfort and inspiration, and He has made His holy presence known to me.
We want to be where God is found, not in buildings built by men, but in the praises of His people. Our prayers become a footstool for the presence of the almighty God. He calls us into His presence when we gather at the feet of our Lord.
In this book, you will read of God's favor and His redemption, for you are chosen and forgiven.
In Jesus, You can find the rest you desire, for at His feet, His joy becomes whole. Come to Jesus today. He holds His hand out to you.
Tim R. Barker, D. Min.
South Texas District Superintendent
Houston, Texas
May 2020
You will find your Christian relationship with God restored and your life changed when you read this book.
Get it now from Amazon! Paperback $15.00 Kindle e-Book $4.99
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